HHeLiBeXの日記 正道編



PHP 5.4.16で動いているシステムをPHP 8.1.6に移行しようとしてハマったのだが、Smarty 2.xでは、error_reportingの値を書き換えてE_NOTICEを勝手に抑制していたことが発覚した今日この頃。

PHP 8.1.6にしてみるとどうにもWarningが止まらない。Smartyの未定義変数を参照したときは暗黙のうちに無視されるものだと思っていたので、しばらく原因が分からず参っていた。

よくよくテストスクリプトの実行結果を見たら、配列の未定義キーを参照したときのエラーメッセージが、PHP 5.4.16では「Notice」だったのが、PHP 8.1.6では「Warning」に格上げされていた。




ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$a = array("a" => "AAA");


$ for php in php56 php70 php71 php72 php73 php74 php80 php81 php82 ; do echo "===${php}===" ; ${php} Main.php ; done
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7

Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7

Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7

Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7

Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7

Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7

Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7
PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7

Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7
PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7

Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7
PHP Warning:  Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7

Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7

PHP 8.0から変わったようだ。

ちなみに、Smarty 3.x、4.xではどうなっているかというと、error_reportingの設定は完全に外側に丸投げ。つまり、単に{$hoge}と書けていたものを{if isset($hoge)}{$hoge}{/if}とするか、コントローラ側で変数 $hoge を確実に定義してやる必要が出てくる。


php-4.2.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.2.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.2.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.2.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.3.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.4.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.4.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.4.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.4.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.4.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.4.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.4.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.4.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.4.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-4.4.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.0.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.0.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.0.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.0.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.0.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.0.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.1.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.1.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.1.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.1.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.1.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.1.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.1.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.12:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.13:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.14:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.15:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.16:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.2.17:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.12:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.13:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.14:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.15:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.16:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.17:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.18:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.19:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.20:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.21:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.22:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.23:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.24:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.25:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.26:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.27:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.28:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.3.29:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.12:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.13:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.14:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.15:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.16:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.17:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.18:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.19:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.20:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.21:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.22:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.23:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.24:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.25:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.26:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.27:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.28:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.29:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.30:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.31:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.32:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.33:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.34:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.35:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.36:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.37:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.38:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.39:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.40:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.41:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.42:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.43:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.44:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.4.45:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.12:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.13:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.14:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.15:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.16:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.17:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.18:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.19:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.20:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.21:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.22:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.23:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.24:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.25:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.26:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.27:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.28:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.29:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.30:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.31:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.32:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.33:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.34:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.35:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.36:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.37:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.5.38:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.12:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.13:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.14:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.15:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.16:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.17:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.18:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.19:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.20:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.21:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.22:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.23:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.24:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.25:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.26:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.27:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.28:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.29:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.30:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.31:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.32:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.33:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.34:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.35:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.36:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.37:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.38:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.39:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-5.6.40:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.12:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.13:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.14:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.15:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.16:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.17:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.18:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.19:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.20:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.21:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.22:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.23:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.24:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.25:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.26:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.27:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.28:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.29:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.30:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.31:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.32:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.0.33:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.12:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.13:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.14:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.15:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.16:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.17:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.18:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.19:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.20:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.21:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.22:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.23:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.24:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.25:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.26:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.27:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.28:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.29:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.30:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.31:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.32:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.1.33:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.12:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.13:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.14:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.15:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.16:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.17:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.18:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.19:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.20:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.21:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.22:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.23:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.24:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.25:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.26:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.27:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.28:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.29:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.30:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.31:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.32:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.33:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.2.34:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.12:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.13:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.14:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.15:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.16:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.17:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.18:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.19:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.20:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.21:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.22:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.23:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.24:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.25:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.26:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.27:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.28:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.29:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.30:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.31:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.32:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.3.33:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.0:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.1:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.2:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.3:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.4:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.5:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.6:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.7:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.8:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.9:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.10:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.11:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.12:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.13:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.14:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.15:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.16:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.18:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.19:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.20:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.21:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.22:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.23:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.24:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.25:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.26:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.27:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.28:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.29:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-7.4.30:  Notice: Undefined index: b in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.0:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.1:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.2:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.3:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.5:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.6:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.7:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.8:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.9:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.10:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.11:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.12:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.13:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.14:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.15:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.16:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.17:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.18:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.19:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.0.20:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.1.0:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.1.1:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.1.2:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.1.3:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.1.4:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.1.5:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.1.6:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL
php-8.1.7:  Warning: Undefined array key "b" in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0613-01/Main.php on line 7 NULL

PHP 8.0.0以降、「Notice」が「Warning」に変わり、メッセージも「Undefined index」から「Undefined array key~」に変わっている。


array_key_exists関数の第二パラメータにオブジェクトを渡すとエラーになるようになってから久しいが、PHP 5.4.16で動くシステムを最低でもPHP 7.3以降に上げなければならなくなったためにぶつかった壁の調査。

以下のようなコードをPHP 5.6.40/7.4.29/8.1.6で実行してみる。


printf("%s\n", PHP_VERSION);

ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

class A {

$obj = new A();
$ary = array();

$k = 'noExistence';
printf("%-12s: %d %d\n",
    array_key_exists($k, $ary),
    array_key_exists($k, $obj));
$ php56 Main.php
noExistence : 0 0
$ php74 Main.php
PHP Deprecated:  array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0518-01/Main.php on line 18

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0518-01/Main.php on line 18
noExistence : 0 0
$ php81 Main.php
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, A given in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0518-01/Main.php:18
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
  thrown in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0518-01/Main.php on line 18

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_key_exists(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type array, A given in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0518-01/Main.php:18
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
  thrown in /home/hhelibex/blog/2022-0518-01/Main.php on line 18

確かにエラーになる。 さて、PHP 7.4.29での実行結果に「Use isset() or property_exists() instead」とあるので、その辺を検証してみる。


printf("%s\n", PHP_VERSION);

ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

class A {

$base = array(
    'isNull' => null,
    'isZero' => 0,
    'isOne' => 1,
    'isStr0' => '0',
    'isEmptyStr' => '',
    'isStrHoge' => 'hoge',

$obj = new A();
foreach ($base as $k => $v) {
    $obj->$k = $v;
$ary = $base;

var_dump($obj, $ary);

foreach ($base as $k => $v) {
    printf("%-12s: %d %d %d %d\n",
        array_key_exists($k, $ary),
        property_exists($obj, $k),
$k = 'noExistence';
printf("%-12s: %d %d %d %d\n",
    array_key_exists($k, $ary),
    property_exists($obj, $k),


$ php56 Test.php
object(A)#1 (6) {
  string(1) "0"
  string(0) ""
  string(4) "hoge"
array(6) {
  string(1) "0"
  string(0) ""
  string(4) "hoge"
isNull      : 1 1 0 0
isZero      : 1 1 1 1
isOne       : 1 1 1 1
isStr0      : 1 1 1 1
isEmptyStr  : 1 1 1 1
isStrHoge   : 1 1 1 1
noExistence : 0 0 0 0
$ php74 Test.php
object(A)#1 (6) {
  string(1) "0"
  string(0) ""
  string(4) "hoge"
array(6) {
  string(1) "0"
  string(0) ""
  string(4) "hoge"
isNull      : 1 1 0 0
isZero      : 1 1 1 1
isOne       : 1 1 1 1
isStr0      : 1 1 1 1
isEmptyStr  : 1 1 1 1
isStrHoge   : 1 1 1 1
noExistence : 0 0 0 0
$ php81 Test.php
object(A)#1 (6) {
  string(1) "0"
  string(0) ""
  string(4) "hoge"
array(6) {
  string(1) "0"
  string(0) ""
  string(4) "hoge"
isNull      : 1 1 0 0
isZero      : 1 1 1 1
isOne       : 1 1 1 1
isStr0      : 1 1 1 1
isEmptyStr  : 1 1 1 1
isStrHoge   : 1 1 1 1
noExistence : 0 0 0 0





import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Locale locale = new Locale("ja", "JP", "JP");
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(locale);
        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("GGGGy年M月d日", locale);
$ java Main





その中で、「自身が書き出したCSVファイルを読み込むとエラーになる」可能性が出たので、実際に検証してみた。 なお、今回は、PHPについては7.4.0以降を対象とする。



  • CsvTestData.php

class CsvTestData {
    private static $data = array(
            array('なんてことない文字列', 'abc!#$%&\'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123'),
            array('空文字列', ''),
            array('カンマ', ','),
            array('ダブルクォーテーション', '"'),
            array('バックスラッシュ', '\\'),
            array('空白文字', ' bbb '),
            array('改行', "a\nb\r\nc"),
            array('テスト1', 'a"b c,d'),
            array('テスト2', 'a"b"c d,e,f'),
            array('テスト3', 'a\"b\ c\,d'),
            array('テスト4', 'a\"b\"c\ d,e,f'),
     * @return int
    public static function size() {
        return count(self::$data);
     * @param int $idx
     * @return
    public static function get($idx) {
        return self::$data[$idx];
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class CsvTestData {
    private static String[][][] data = {
            { "なんてことない文字列", "abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123" },
            { "空文字列", "" },
            { "カンマ", "," },
            { "ダブルクォーテーション", "\"" },
            { "バックスラッシュ", "\\" },
            { "空白文字", " bbb " },
            { "改行", "a\nb\r\nc" },
            { "テスト1", "a\"b c,d" },
            { "テスト2", "a\"b\"c d,e,f" },
            { "テスト3", "a\\\"b\\ c\\,d" },
            { "テスト4", "a\\\"b\\\"c\\ d,e,f" },
    public static int size() {
        return data.length;
    public static List<List<String>> get(int idx) {
        List<List<String>> res = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < data[idx].length; ++i) {
            res.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(data[idx][i])));
        return res;


import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;

public class Utils {
    public static String getFileContents(String filename, String fileEncoding) throws IOException {
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename), fileEncoding));
        char[] buf = new char[1024];
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int len;
        while ((len = reader.read(buf)) > 0) {
            sb.append(buf, 0, len);
        return sb.toString();

fgetcsv/fputcsv (PHP (7.4.0以降))





for ($i = 0; $i < CsvTestData::size(); ++$i) {
    $filename = "test${i}.csv";

    $rows = CsvTestData::get($i);

    $original = $rows;

    // 書き込み
    $fp = fopen($filename, "w");
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
            $row[$key] = mb_convert_encoding($val, 'SJIS-win', 'UTF-8');
        fputcsv($fp, $row, ',', '"', '');

    // ファイルの内容
    printf("[%d]\n", $i);
    printf("file     = %s\n", var_export(mb_convert_encoding(file_get_contents($filename), 'UTF-8', 'SJIS-win'), true));

    // 読み込み
    $fp = fopen($filename, "r");
    for ($j = 0; ($row = fgetcsv($fp, 0, ',', '"', '')); ++$j) {
        foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
            $row[$key] = mb_convert_encoding($val, 'UTF-8', 'SJIS-win');
        printf("original = %s\n",
            var_export($original[$j], true));
        printf("row      = %s\n",
            var_export($row, true));
        printf("result   = %s\n",
            ($row === $original[$j] ? "O" : "X"));


file     = 'なんてことない文字列,"abc!#$%&\'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123"
original = array (
  0 => 'なんてことない文字列',
  1 => 'abc!#$%&\'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123',
row      = array (
  0 => 'なんてことない文字列',
  1 => 'abc!#$%&\'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123',
result   = O
file     = '空文字列,
original = array (
  0 => '空文字列',
  1 => '',
row      = array (
  0 => '空文字列',
  1 => '',
result   = O
file     = 'カンマ,","
original = array (
  0 => 'カンマ',
  1 => ',',
row      = array (
  0 => 'カンマ',
  1 => ',',
result   = O
file     = 'ダブルクォーテーション,""""
original = array (
  0 => 'ダブルクォーテーション',
  1 => '"',
row      = array (
  0 => 'ダブルクォーテーション',
  1 => '"',
result   = O
file     = 'バックスラッシュ,\\
original = array (
  0 => 'バックスラッシュ',
  1 => '\\',
row      = array (
  0 => 'バックスラッシュ',
  1 => '\\',
result   = O
file     = '空白文字," bbb "
original = array (
  0 => '空白文字',
  1 => ' bbb ',
row      = array (
  0 => '空白文字',
  1 => ' bbb ',
result   = O
file     = '改行,"a
original = array (
  0 => '改行',
  1 => 'a
row      = array (
  0 => '改行',
  1 => 'a
result   = O
file     = 'テスト1,"a""b c,d"
original = array (
  0 => 'テスト1',
  1 => 'a"b c,d',
row      = array (
  0 => 'テスト1',
  1 => 'a"b c,d',
result   = O
file     = 'テスト2,"a""b""c d,e,f"
original = array (
  0 => 'テスト2',
  1 => 'a"b"c d,e,f',
row      = array (
  0 => 'テスト2',
  1 => 'a"b"c d,e,f',
result   = O
file     = 'テスト3,"a\\""b\\ c\\,d"
original = array (
  0 => 'テスト3',
  1 => 'a\\"b\\ c\\,d',
row      = array (
  0 => 'テスト3',
  1 => 'a\\"b\\ c\\,d',
result   = O
file     = 'テスト4,"a\\""b\\""c\\ d,e,f"
original = array (
  0 => 'テスト4',
  1 => 'a\\"b\\"c\\ d,e,f',
row      = array (
  0 => 'テスト4',
  1 => 'a\\"b\\"c\\ d,e,f',
result   = O


Super CSV (Java)

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.supercsv.io.CsvListReader;
import org.supercsv.io.CsvListWriter;
import org.supercsv.io.ICsvListReader;
import org.supercsv.io.ICsvListWriter;
import org.supercsv.prefs.CsvPreference;

public class Main {
    private static final String FILE_ENCODING = "Windows-31J";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < CsvTestData.size(); ++i) {
            String filename = "test" + i + ".csv";

            List<List<String>> original = CsvTestData.get(i);

            // 書き込み
            writeCsv(original, filename);

            // ファイルの内容
            String fileContents = Utils.getFileContents(filename, FILE_ENCODING);

            // 読み込み
            List<List<String>> rows = new ArrayList<>();
            try {
                rows = readCsv(filename);
            } catch (Exception e) {

            System.out.printf("[%d]%n", i);
            System.out.printf("file     = '%s'%n", fileContents);
            if (original.size() == rows.size()) {
                for (int j = 0; j < rows.size(); ++j) {
                    System.out.printf("original = %s%n", original.get(j));
                    System.out.printf("row      = %s%n", rows.get(j));
                    System.out.printf("result   = %s%n", (rows.get(j).equals(original.get(j)) ? "O" : "X"));
            } else {
                System.out.printf("original = %s%n", original);
                System.out.printf("row      = %s%n", rows);
                System.out.printf("result   = %s%n", "X");
    private static void writeCsv(List<List<String>> rows, String filename) throws IOException {
        CsvPreference csvPref = new CsvPreference.Builder(

        ICsvListWriter writer = new CsvListWriter(
            new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), FILE_ENCODING),
        for (List<String> row : rows) {
    private static List<List<String>> readCsv(String filename) throws IOException {
        CsvPreference csvPref = new CsvPreference.Builder(
        ICsvListReader reader = new CsvListReader(
            new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename), FILE_ENCODING)), csvPref);

        List<List<String>> res = new ArrayList<>();
        List<String> row;
        while ((row = reader.read()) != null) {

        return res;


file     = 'なんてことない文字列,"abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123"
original = [なんてことない文字列, abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123]
row      = [なんてことない文字列, abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123]
result   = O
file     = '空文字列,
original = [空文字列, ]
row      = [空文字列, null]
result   = X
file     = 'カンマ,","
original = [カンマ, ,]
row      = [カンマ, ,]
result   = O
file     = 'ダブルクォーテーション,""""
original = [ダブルクォーテーション, "]
row      = [ダブルクォーテーション, "]
result   = O
file     = 'バックスラッシュ,\
original = [バックスラッシュ, \]
row      = [バックスラッシュ, \]
result   = O
file     = '空白文字," bbb "
original = [空白文字,  bbb ]
row      = [空白文字,  bbb ]
result   = O
file     = '改行,"a
original = [改行, a
row      = [改行, a
result   = X
file     = 'テスト1,"a""b c,d"
original = [テスト1, a"b c,d]
row      = [テスト1, a"b c,d]
result   = O
file     = 'テスト2,"a""b""c d,e,f"
original = [テスト2, a"b"c d,e,f]
row      = [テスト2, a"b"c d,e,f]
result   = O
file     = 'テスト3,"a\""b\ c\,d"
original = [テスト3, a\"b\ c\,d]
row      = [テスト3, a\"b\ c\,d]
result   = O
file     = 'テスト4,"a\""b\""c\ d,e,f"
original = [テスト4, a\"b\"c\ d,e,f]
row      = [テスト4, a\"b\"c\ d,e,f]
result   = O



$ od -cx test6.csv 
0000000 211 374 215   s   ,   "   a  \r  \n   b  \r  \n   c   "  \r  \n
           fc89    738d    222c    0d61    620a    0a0d    2263    0a0d

「"a\nb\r\nc"」が「"a\r\nb\r\nc"」になっている。更に読み込んだ際に、今回もCentOS 7環境で実行したため、「"a\nb\nc"」に変換されている。

Super CSV Annotation

import com.github.mygreen.supercsv.annotation.CsvBean;
import com.github.mygreen.supercsv.annotation.CsvColumn;

public class HogeBean {
    private String fieldA;
    private String fieldB;

    public HogeBean() {

    public String getFieldA() {
        return fieldA;
    public void setFieldA(String fieldA) {
        this.fieldA = fieldA;

    public String getFieldB() {
        return fieldB;
    public void setFieldB(String fieldB) {
        this.fieldB = fieldB;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof HogeBean) {
            HogeBean that = (HogeBean)o;
            return (this.fieldA == null && that.fieldA == null
                || this.fieldA != null && this.fieldA.equals(that.fieldA))
                && (this.fieldB == null && that.fieldB == null
                    || this.fieldB != null && this.fieldB.equals(that.fieldB));
        return false;
    public String toString() {
        return "[" + fieldA + "][" + fieldB + "]";
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.github.mygreen.supercsv.io.CsvAnnotationBeanReader;
import com.github.mygreen.supercsv.io.CsvAnnotationBeanWriter;

import org.supercsv.prefs.CsvPreference;

public class Main {
    private static final String FILE_ENCODING = "Windows-31J";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < CsvTestData.size(); ++i) {
            String filename = "test" + i + ".csv";

            List<List<String>> tmpOriginal = CsvTestData.get(i);
            List<HogeBean> original = new ArrayList<>();
            for (List<String> list : tmpOriginal) {
                HogeBean hoge = new HogeBean();

            // 書き込み
            writeCsv(original, filename);

            // ファイルの内容
            String fileContents = Utils.getFileContents(filename, FILE_ENCODING);

            // 読み込み
            List<HogeBean> rows = new ArrayList<>();
            try {
                rows = readCsv(filename);
            } catch (Exception e) {

            System.out.printf("[%d]%n", i);
            System.out.printf("file     = '%s'%n", fileContents);
            if (original.size() == rows.size()) {
                for (int j = 0; j < rows.size(); ++j) {
                    System.out.printf("original = %s%n", original.get(j));
                    System.out.printf("row      = %s%n", rows.get(j));
                    System.out.printf("result   = %s%n", (rows.get(j).equals(original.get(j)) ? "O" : "X"));
            } else {
                System.out.printf("original = %s%n", original);
                System.out.printf("row      = %s%n", rows);
                System.out.printf("result   = %s%n", "X");
    private static void writeCsv(List<HogeBean> rows, String filename) throws IOException {
        CsvPreference csvPref = new CsvPreference.Builder(
        CsvAnnotationBeanWriter<HogeBean> writer = new CsvAnnotationBeanWriter<>(
            new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), FILE_ENCODING),
        for (HogeBean hoge : rows) {
    private static List<HogeBean> readCsv(String filename) throws IOException {
        CsvPreference csvPref = new CsvPreference.Builder(
        CsvAnnotationBeanReader<HogeBean> reader = new CsvAnnotationBeanReader<>(
            new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename), FILE_ENCODING)),

        List<HogeBean> res = new ArrayList<>();
        HogeBean hoge;
        while ((hoge = reader.read()) != null) {

        return res;


file     = 'なんてことない文字列,"abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123"
original = [なんてことない文字列][abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123]
row      = [なんてことない文字列][abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123]
result   = O
file     = '空文字列,
original = [空文字列][]
row      = [空文字列][null]
result   = X
file     = 'カンマ,","
original = [カンマ][,]
row      = [カンマ][,]
result   = O
file     = 'ダブルクォーテーション,""""
original = [ダブルクォーテーション]["]
row      = [ダブルクォーテーション]["]
result   = O
file     = 'バックスラッシュ,\
original = [バックスラッシュ][\]
row      = [バックスラッシュ][\]
result   = O
file     = '空白文字," bbb "
original = [空白文字][ bbb ]
row      = [空白文字][ bbb ]
result   = O
file     = '改行,"a
original = [改行][a
row      = [改行][a
result   = X
file     = 'テスト1,"a""b c,d"
original = [テスト1][a"b c,d]
row      = [テスト1][a"b c,d]
result   = O
file     = 'テスト2,"a""b""c d,e,f"
original = [テスト2][a"b"c d,e,f]
row      = [テスト2][a"b"c d,e,f]
result   = O
file     = 'テスト3,"a\""b\ c\,d"
original = [テスト3][a\"b\ c\,d]
row      = [テスト3][a\"b\ c\,d]
result   = O
file     = 'テスト4,"a\""b\""c\ d,e,f"
original = [テスト4][a\"b\"c\ d,e,f]
row      = [テスト4][a\"b\"c\ d,e,f]
result   = O

これもSuper CSVと同じく、空文字列をnullにしてしまうところが惜しい。あとは改行コードも。

OrangeSignal CSV (Java)

import com.orangesignal.csv.annotation.CsvColumn;
import com.orangesignal.csv.annotation.CsvEntity;

public class HogeBean {
    private String fieldA;
    private String fieldB;

    public HogeBean() {

    public String getFieldA() {
        return fieldA;
    public void setFieldA(String fieldA) {
        this.fieldA = fieldA;

    public String getFieldB() {
        return fieldB;
    public void setFieldB(String fieldB) {
        this.fieldB = fieldB;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof HogeBean) {
            HogeBean that = (HogeBean)o;
            return (this.fieldA == null && that.fieldA == null
                || this.fieldA != null && this.fieldA.equals(that.fieldA))
                && (this.fieldB == null && that.fieldB == null
                    || this.fieldB != null && this.fieldB.equals(that.fieldB));
        return false;
    public String toString() {
        return "[" + fieldA + "][" + fieldB + "]";
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.orangesignal.csv.annotation.CsvColumnException;
import com.orangesignal.csv.CsvConfig;
import com.orangesignal.csv.CsvReader;
import com.orangesignal.csv.CsvWriter;
import com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader;
import com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityWriter;

public class Main {
    private static final String FILE_ENCODING = "Windows-31J";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < CsvTestData.size(); ++i) {
            String filename = "test" + i + ".csv";

            List<List<String>> tmpOriginal = CsvTestData.get(i);
            List<HogeBean> original = new ArrayList<>();
            for (List<String> list : tmpOriginal) {
                HogeBean hoge = new HogeBean();

            // 書き込み
            writeCsv(original, filename);

            // ファイルの内容
            String fileContents = Utils.getFileContents(filename, FILE_ENCODING);

            // 読み込み
            List<HogeBean> rows = new ArrayList<>();
            try {
                rows = readCsv(filename);
            } catch (Exception e) {

            System.out.printf("[%d]%n", i);
            System.out.printf("file     = '%s'%n", fileContents);
            if (original.size() == rows.size()) {
                for (int j = 0; j < rows.size(); ++j) {
                    System.out.printf("original = %s%n", original.get(j));
                    System.out.printf("row      = %s%n", rows.get(j));
                    System.out.printf("result   = %s%n", (rows.get(j).equals(original.get(j)) ? "O" : "X"));
            } else {
                System.out.printf("original = %s%n", original);
                System.out.printf("row      = %s%n", rows);
                System.out.printf("result   = %s%n", "X");
    private static void writeCsv(List<HogeBean> rows, String filename) throws IOException {
        CsvConfig cfg = new CsvConfig(',', '"', '"');
        CsvEntityWriter<HogeBean> writer = CsvEntityWriter.newInstance(new CsvWriter(
            new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), FILE_ENCODING), cfg), HogeBean.class);

        for (HogeBean hoge : rows) {
    private static List<HogeBean> readCsv(String filename) throws IOException {
        CsvConfig cfg = new CsvConfig(',', '"', '"');
        CsvEntityReader<HogeBean> reader = CsvEntityReader.newInstance(new CsvReader(
            new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename), "Windows-31J")), cfg), HogeBean.class);

        List<HogeBean> res = new ArrayList<>();
        while (true) {
            HogeBean hoge;
            try {
                if ((hoge = reader.read()) == null) {
            } catch (CsvColumnException e) {
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                // 最大限の配慮

        return res;


java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"なんてことない文字列","abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123"
original = [なんてことない文字列][abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123]
row      = [なんてことない文字列][abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123]
result   = O
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"空文字列",""
original = [空文字列][]
row      = [空文字列][]
result   = O
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"カンマ",","
original = [カンマ][,]
row      = [カンマ][,]
result   = O
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"ダブルクォーテーション",""""
original = [ダブルクォーテーション]["]
row      = [ダブルクォーテーション]["]
result   = O
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"バックスラッシュ","\"
original = [バックスラッシュ][\]
row      = [バックスラッシュ][\]
result   = O
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"空白文字"," bbb "
original = [空白文字][ bbb ]
row      = [空白文字][ bbb ]
result   = O
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"改行","a
original = [改行][a
row      = [改行][a
result   = O
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"テスト1","a""b c,d"
original = [テスト1][a"b c,d]
row      = [テスト1][a"b c,d]
result   = O
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"テスト2","a""b""c d,e,f"
original = [テスト2][a"b"c d,e,f]
row      = [テスト2][a"b"c d,e,f]
result   = O
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"テスト3","a\""b\ c\,d"
original = [テスト3][a\"b\ c\,d]
row      = [テスト3][a\"b\ c\,d]
result   = O
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:659)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:435)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
        at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:82)
        at Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
file     = '"テスト4","a\""b\""c\ d,e,f"
original = [テスト4][a\"b\"c\ d,e,f]
row      = [テスト4][a\"b\"c\ d,e,f]
result   = O

結果だけ見ると全てOKに見えるけど、IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionが発生するのが最大の難点。 自身が吐き出したCSVファイルを読み込んでエラーになるってどんなだ。

opencsv (Java)

import com.opencsv.bean.CsvBindByPosition;

public class HogeBean {
    private String fieldA;
    private String fieldB;

    public HogeBean() {

    public String getFieldA() {
        return fieldA;
    public void setFieldA(String fieldA) {
        this.fieldA = fieldA;

    public String getFieldB() {
        return fieldB;
    public void setFieldB(String fieldB) {
        this.fieldB = fieldB;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof HogeBean) {
            HogeBean that = (HogeBean)o;
            return (this.fieldA == null && that.fieldA == null
                || this.fieldA != null && this.fieldA.equals(that.fieldA))
                && (this.fieldB == null && that.fieldB == null
                    || this.fieldB != null && this.fieldB.equals(that.fieldB));
        return false;
    public String toString() {
        return "[" + fieldA + "][" + fieldB + "]";
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean;
import com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBeanBuilder;
import com.opencsv.bean.StatefulBeanToCsv;
import com.opencsv.bean.StatefulBeanToCsvBuilder;
import com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvDataTypeMismatchException;
import com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException;

public class Main {
    private static final String FILE_ENCODING = "Windows-31J";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < CsvTestData.size(); ++i) {
            String filename = "test" + i + ".csv";

            List<List<String>> tmpOriginal = CsvTestData.get(i);
            List<HogeBean> original = new ArrayList<>();
            for (List<String> list : tmpOriginal) {
                HogeBean hoge = new HogeBean();

            // 書き込み
            writeCsv(original, filename);

            // ファイルの内容
            String fileContents = Utils.getFileContents(filename, FILE_ENCODING);

            // 読み込み
            List<HogeBean> rows = new ArrayList<>();
            try {
                rows = readCsv(filename);
            } catch (Exception e) {

            System.out.printf("[%d]%n", i);
            System.out.printf("file     = '%s'%n", fileContents);
            if (original.size() == rows.size()) {
                for (int j = 0; j < rows.size(); ++j) {
                    System.out.printf("original = %s%n", original.get(j));
                    System.out.printf("row      = %s%n", rows.get(j));
                    System.out.printf("result   = %s%n", (rows.get(j).equals(original.get(j)) ? "O" : "X"));
            } else {
                System.out.printf("original = %s%n", original);
                System.out.printf("row      = %s%n", rows);
                System.out.printf("result   = %s%n", "X");
    private static void writeCsv(List<HogeBean> rows, String filename) throws IOException {
        Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), FILE_ENCODING); // flush()するために変数にセット。
        StatefulBeanToCsv<HogeBean> writer = new StatefulBeanToCsvBuilder<HogeBean>(

        for (HogeBean hoge : rows) {
            try {
            } catch (CsvDataTypeMismatchException|CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException e) {
    private static List<HogeBean> readCsv(String filename) throws IOException {
        Reader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename), FILE_ENCODING));
        CsvToBean<HogeBean> reader = new CsvToBeanBuilder<HogeBean>(

        List<HogeBean> res = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            for (HogeBean hoge : reader) {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        } finally {

        return res;


file     = '"なんてことない文字列","abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123"
original = [なんてことない文字列][abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123]
row      = [なんてことない文字列][abc!#$%&'()-=^~@`[]{};+:*,.<>/?_123]
result   = O
file     = '"空文字列",""
original = [空文字列][]
row      = [空文字列][]
result   = O
file     = '"カンマ",","
original = [カンマ][,]
row      = [カンマ][,]
result   = O
file     = '"ダブルクォーテーション",""""
original = [ダブルクォーテーション]["]
row      = [ダブルクォーテーション]["]
result   = O
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error capturing CSV header!
        at com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean.prepareToReadInput(CsvToBean.java:304)
        at com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean.iterator(CsvToBean.java:322)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:89)
        at Main.main(Main.java:44)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvMalformedLineException: Unterminated quoted field at end of CSV line. Beginning of lost text: ["
        at com.opencsv.CSVReader.primeNextRecord(CSVReader.java:245)
        at com.opencsv.CSVReader.flexibleRead(CSVReader.java:598)
        at com.opencsv.CSVReader.peek(CSVReader.java:574)
        at com.opencsv.bean.ColumnPositionMappingStrategy.captureHeader(ColumnPositionMappingStrategy.java:72)
        at com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean.prepareToReadInput(CsvToBean.java:302)
        ... 9 more
file     = '"バックスラッシュ","\"
original = [[バックスラッシュ][\]]
row      = []
result   = X
file     = '"空白文字"," bbb "
original = [空白文字][ bbb ]
row      = [空白文字][ bbb ]
result   = O
file     = '"改行","a
original = [改行][a
row      = [改行][a
result   = X
file     = '"テスト1","a""b c,d"
original = [テスト1][a"b c,d]
row      = [テスト1][a"b c,d]
result   = O
file     = '"テスト2","a""b""c d,e,f"
original = [テスト2][a"b"c d,e,f]
row      = [テスト2][a"b"c d,e,f]
result   = O
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error capturing CSV header!
        at com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean.prepareToReadInput(CsvToBean.java:304)
        at com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean.iterator(CsvToBean.java:322)
        at Main.readCsv(Main.java:89)
        at Main.main(Main.java:44)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
        at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvMalformedLineException: Unterminated quoted field at end of CSV line. Beginning of lost text: [a""b c,d
        at com.opencsv.CSVReader.primeNextRecord(CSVReader.java:245)
        at com.opencsv.CSVReader.flexibleRead(CSVReader.java:598)
        at com.opencsv.CSVReader.peek(CSVReader.java:574)
        at com.opencsv.bean.ColumnPositionMappingStrategy.captureHeader(ColumnPositionMappingStrategy.java:72)
        at com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean.prepareToReadInput(CsvToBean.java:302)
        ... 9 more
file     = '"テスト3","a\""b\ c\,d"
original = [[テスト3][a\"b\ c\,d]]
row      = []
result   = X
file     = '"テスト4","a\""b\""c\ d,e,f"
original = [テスト4][a\"b\"c\ d,e,f]
row      = [テスト4][a""b""c d,e,f]
result   = X



  • PHP
    • 特に問題なし
  • Super CSV / Super CSV Annotation
    • 空文字列がnullで返されるのが惜しい
    • 改行コードは、書き込みの際に「\r\n」に統一され、読み込みの際に環境に応じたものに変換されてしまう
  • OrangeSignal CSV
    • とにかくIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionが発生するのが難点というに尽きる
  • opencsv
    • エスケープ文字(デフォルトではバックスラッシュ)の扱いが雑




まず、復習がてらRFC 4180を見直す。


The ABNF grammar [2] appears as follows:
file = [header CRLF] record *(CRLF record) [CRLF]
header = name *(COMMA name)
record = field *(COMMA field)
name = field
field = (escaped / non-escaped)
non-escaped = *TEXTDATA
COMMA = %x2C
CR = %x0D ;as per section 6.1 of RFC 2234 [2]
DQUOTE = %x22 ;as per section 6.1 of RFC 2234 [2]
LF = %x0A ;as per section 6.1 of RFC 2234 [2]
CRLF = CR LF ;as per section 6.1 of RFC 2234 [2]
TEXTDATA = %x20-21 / %x23-2B / %x2D-7E

TEXTDATAの部分がASCII文字のみで構成されているのは時代だから仕方ないとして、ここでは空白文字(0x20)も対象に入っていることに着目したい。つまり、ダブルクォーテーションで括ろうが括るまいが、空白文字は値の一部として扱われるべきというのがRFC 4180の主張である。



"ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)","""","","でぃ",""
"空白文字の扱い(white space) 1", B ,"","でぃ",""
"空白文字の扱い(white space) 2"," B ","","でぃ",""

空白文字の扱い(white space) 1/2は、ダブルクォーテーションで括るか括らないかで両端の空白文字の扱いに変化が出るかどうかを確認するためのデータ。

  • test-backslash.csv


"バックスラッシュ(back slash)","\","","でぃ",""
  • invalid-test1.csv


"不正な値(invalid value) 1","びぃ\"B","","でぃ",""


  • invalid-test2.csv


"不正な値(invalid value) 2","びぃ"B"びぃ","","でぃ",""

RFC 4180によると、

field = (escaped / non-escaped)
non-escaped = *TEXTDATA

なので、上記の「"びぃ"B"びぃ"」の部分は「escaped non-escaped escaped」となっていて、本来なら構文エラーになるはずのデータ。

fgetcsv/fputcsv (PHP)





$header = array();

while (($row = fgetcsv(STDIN, 0, ',', '"', '"'))) {
    if (empty($header)) {
        $header = $row;
        fputcsv(STDOUT, $header);
    } else {
        $ss = $row;
        $a = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); ++$i) {
            if (isset($ss[$i])) {
                $a[$header[$i]] = mb_convert_encoding($ss[$i], mb_internal_encoding(), 'SJIS-win');
            } else {
                $a[$header[$i]] = 'N/A';
        fputcsv(STDOUT, $a);


$ php Main.php < test.csv
array(5) {
  string(1) "A"
  string(1) "B"
  string(1) "C"
  string(1) "D"
  string(1) "E"
array(5) {
  string(16) "カンマ(comma)"
  string(1) ","
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
array(5) {
  string(51) "ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)"
  string(1) """
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
"ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)","""",,でぃ,
array(5) {
  string(6) "改行"
  string(2) "
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
array(5) {
  string(36) "空白文字の扱い(white space) 1"
  string(3) " B "
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
"空白文字の扱い(white space) 1"," B ",,でぃ,
array(5) {
  string(36) "空白文字の扱い(white space) 2"
  string(3) " B "
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
"空白文字の扱い(white space) 2"," B ",,でぃ,
$ php Main.php < test-backslash.csv
array(5) {
  string(36) "バックスラッシュ(back slash)"
  string(1) "\"
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
"バックスラッシュ(back slash)","\",,でぃ,
array(5) {
  string(1) "A"
  string(1) "B"
  string(1) "C"
  string(1) "D"
  string(1) "E"
$ php Main.php < invalid-test1.csv
array(5) {
  string(29) "不正な値(invalid value) 1"
  string(9) "びぃ\B""
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
"不正な値(invalid value) 1","びぃ\B""",,でぃ,
array(5) {
  string(1) "A"
  string(1) "B"
  string(1) "C"
  string(1) "D"
  string(1) "E"
$ php Main.php < invalid-test2.csv
array(5) {
  string(29) "不正な値(invalid value) 2"
  string(15) "びぃB"びぃ""
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
"不正な値(invalid value) 2","びぃB""びぃ""",,でぃ,
array(5) {
  string(1) "A"
  string(1) "B"
  string(1) "C"
  string(1) "D"
  string(1) "E"


test-backslash.csvについては、「fgetcsv(STDIN, ',', '"', '"')」とエスケープ文字を変えているので問題なし。



Super CSV (Java)

Super CSV自体についての詳細は以下。

Super CSVで一番シンプルにCSVデータの読み書きをするにはorg.supercsv.io.CsvListReaderとorg.supercsv.io.CsvListWriterを使う。

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.supercsv.exception.SuperCsvException;
import org.supercsv.io.CsvListReader;
import org.supercsv.io.CsvListWriter;
import org.supercsv.io.ICsvListReader;
import org.supercsv.io.ICsvListWriter;
import org.supercsv.prefs.CsvPreference;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CsvPreference csvPref = new CsvPreference.Builder(
        ICsvListReader reader = new CsvListReader(
            new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in, "Windows-31J")), csvPref);
        ICsvListWriter writer = new CsvListWriter(
            new OutputStreamWriter(System.out), csvPref);
        String[] header = reader.getHeader(true);
        while (true) {
            List<String> row;
            try {
                if ((row = reader.read()) == null) {
            } catch (SuperCsvException e) {

            int i = 0;
            for (String val : row) {
                System.out.println((header.length >= i + 1 ? header[i++] : "N/A")
                    + " => " + (val != null ? "\"" + val + "\"" : val));


[super-csv]$ mvn package
[super-csv]$ mvn exec:java < ../test.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]

a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"

a => "カンマ(comma)"
b => ","
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null

a => "ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)"
b => """
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null
ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation),"""",,でぃ,

a => "改行"
b => "
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null

a => "空白文字の扱い(white space) 1"
b => "B"
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null
空白文字の扱い(white space) 1,B,,でぃ,

a => "空白文字の扱い(white space) 2"
b => " B "
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null
空白文字の扱い(white space) 2," B ",,でぃ,
[super-csv]$ mvn exec:java < ../test-backslash.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]

a => "バックスラッシュ(back slash)"
b => "\"
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null
バックスラッシュ(back slash),\,,でぃ,

a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"
[super-csv]$ mvn exec:java < ../invalid-test1.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]
org.supercsv.exception.SuperCsvException: unexpected end of file while reading quoted column beginning on line 2 and ending on line 3
    at org.supercsv.io.Tokenizer.readColumns(Tokenizer.java:162)
    at org.supercsv.io.AbstractCsvReader.readRow(AbstractCsvReader.java:179)
    at org.supercsv.io.CsvListReader.read(CsvListReader.java:69)
    at Main.main(Main.java:28)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
    at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[super-csv]$ mvn exec:java < ../invalid-test2.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]

a => "不正な値(invalid value) 2"
b => "びぃBびぃ"
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null
不正な値(invalid value) 2,びぃBびぃ,,でぃ,

a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"

test.csvでは、「空白文字の扱い(white space) 1」で前後の空白文字が無視されている。



invalid-test2.csvは、RFC 4180違反ではあるけど、「びぃBびぃ」として扱っていて、まあまあ。

Super CSV Annotation (Java)

Super CSV Annotation自体についての詳細は以下。

Super CSV Annotationでは、CSVデータに合わせたBeanクラスを作る。それ以外の部分は基本的にSuper CSVをベースとしているので、まぁ結果は予想がつくが。

import com.github.mygreen.supercsv.annotation.CsvBean;
import com.github.mygreen.supercsv.annotation.CsvColumn;

public class HogeBean {
    private String fieldA;
    @CsvColumn(number=2, label="びぃ")
    private String fieldB;
    private String fieldC;
    private String fieldD;
    private String fieldE;

    public HogeBean() {

    public String getFieldA() {
        return fieldA;
    public void setFieldA(String fieldA) {
        this.fieldA = fieldA;

    public String getFieldB() {
        return fieldB;
    public void setFieldB(String fieldB) {
        this.fieldB = fieldB;

    public String getFieldC() {
        return fieldC;
    public void setFieldC(String fieldC) {
        this.fieldC = fieldC;

    public String getFieldD() {
        return fieldD;
    public void setFieldD(String fieldD) {
        this.fieldD = fieldD;

    public String getFieldE() {
        return fieldE;
    public void setFieldE(String fieldE) {
        this.fieldE = fieldE;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.util.Arrays;

import com.github.mygreen.supercsv.io.CsvAnnotationBeanReader;
import com.github.mygreen.supercsv.io.CsvAnnotationBeanWriter;

import org.supercsv.exception.SuperCsvException;
import org.supercsv.prefs.CsvPreference;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CsvPreference csvPref = new CsvPreference.Builder(
        CsvAnnotationBeanReader<HogeBean> reader = new CsvAnnotationBeanReader<>(
            new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in, "Windows-31J")),
        CsvAnnotationBeanWriter<HogeBean> writer = new CsvAnnotationBeanWriter<>(
            new OutputStreamWriter(System.out),
        String[] header = reader.getHeader(true);
        while (true) {
            HogeBean hoge;
            try {
                if ((hoge = reader.read()) == null) {
            } catch (SuperCsvException e) {

            System.out.println((header.length >= 1 ? header[0] : "N/A")
                + " => " + (hoge.getFieldA() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldA() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println((header.length >= 2 ? header[1] : "N/A")
                + " => " + (hoge.getFieldB() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldB() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println((header.length >= 3 ? header[2] : "N/A")
                + " => " + (hoge.getFieldC() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldC() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println((header.length >= 4 ? header[3] : "N/A")
                + " => " + (hoge.getFieldD() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldD() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println((header.length >= 5 ? header[4] : "N/A")
                + " => " + (hoge.getFieldE() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldE() + "\"" : null));


[super-csv-annotation]$ mvn package
[super-csv-annotation]$ mvn exec:java < ../test.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]

a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"

a => "カンマ(comma)"
b => ","
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null

a => "ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)"
b => """
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null
ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation),"""",,でぃ,

a => "改行"
b => "
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null

a => "空白文字の扱い(white space) 1"
b => "B"
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null
空白文字の扱い(white space) 1,B,,でぃ,

a => "空白文字の扱い(white space) 2"
b => " B "
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null
空白文字の扱い(white space) 2," B ",,でぃ,
[super-csv-annotation]$ mvn exec:java < ../test-backslash.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]

a => "バックスラッシュ(back slash)"
b => "\"
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null
バックスラッシュ(back slash),\,,でぃ,

a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"
[super-csv-annotation]$ mvn exec:java < ../invalid-test1.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]
org.supercsv.exception.SuperCsvException: unexpected end of file while reading quoted column beginning on line 2 and ending on line 3
    at org.supercsv.io.Tokenizer.readColumns(Tokenizer.java:162)
    at org.supercsv.io.AbstractCsvReader.readRow(AbstractCsvReader.java:179)
    at com.github.mygreen.supercsv.io.AbstractCsvAnnotationBeanReader.read(AbstractCsvAnnotationBeanReader.java:90)
    at Main.main(Main.java:30)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
    at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[super-csv-annotation]$ mvn exec:java < ../invalid-test2.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]

a => "不正な値(invalid value) 2"
b => "びぃBびぃ"
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null
不正な値(invalid value) 2,びぃBびぃ,,でぃ,

a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"


OrangeSignal CSV (Java)

OrangeSignal CSV自体についての詳細は以下。

クイックスタートを見ると、Super CSV Annotationと同様にBeanクラスを作るやり方のようだ。クイックスタートの通りにpom.xmlを書くとエラーを吐くので、以下のように書く。

import com.orangesignal.csv.annotation.CsvColumn;
import com.orangesignal.csv.annotation.CsvEntity;

public class HogeBean {
    private String fieldA;
    private String fieldB;
    private String fieldC;
    private String fieldD;
    private String fieldE;

    public HogeBean() {

    public String getFieldA() {
        return fieldA;
    public void setFieldA(String fieldA) {
        this.fieldA = fieldA;

    public String getFieldB() {
        return fieldB;
    public void setFieldB(String fieldB) {
        this.fieldB = fieldB;

    public String getFieldC() {
        return fieldC;
    public void setFieldC(String fieldC) {
        this.fieldC = fieldC;

    public String getFieldD() {
        return fieldD;
    public void setFieldD(String fieldD) {
        this.fieldD = fieldD;

    public String getFieldE() {
        return fieldE;
    public void setFieldE(String fieldE) {
        this.fieldE = fieldE;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.util.List;

import com.orangesignal.csv.annotation.CsvColumnException;
import com.orangesignal.csv.CsvConfig;
import com.orangesignal.csv.CsvReader;
import com.orangesignal.csv.CsvWriter;
import com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader;
import com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityWriter;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CsvConfig cfg = new CsvConfig(',', '"', '"');
        CsvEntityReader<HogeBean> reader = CsvEntityReader.newInstance(new CsvReader(
            new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in, "Windows-31J")), cfg), HogeBean.class);
        CsvEntityWriter<HogeBean> writer = CsvEntityWriter.newInstance(new CsvWriter(
            new OutputStreamWriter(System.out), cfg), HogeBean.class);
        List<String> header = reader.getHeader();
        while (true) {
            HogeBean hoge;
            try {
                if ((hoge = reader.read()) == null) {
            } catch (CsvColumnException e) {

            System.out.println((header.size() >= 1 ? header.get(0) : "N/A")
                + " => " + (hoge.getFieldA() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldA() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println((header.size() >= 2 ? header.get(1) : "N/A")
                + " => " + (hoge.getFieldB() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldB() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println((header.size() >= 3 ? header.get(2) : "N/A")
                + " => " + (hoge.getFieldC() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldC() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println((header.size() >= 4 ? header.get(3) : "N/A")
                + " => " + (hoge.getFieldD() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldD() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println((header.size() >= 5 ? header.get(4) : "N/A")
                + " => " + (hoge.getFieldE() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldE() + "\"" : null));


[orange-signal-csv]$ mvn package
[orange-signal-csv]$ mvn exec:java < ../test.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]

a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"

a => "カンマ(comma)"
b => ","
c => ""
d => "でぃ"
e => ""

a => "ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)"
b => """
c => ""
d => "でぃ"
e => ""
"ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)","""","","でぃ",""

a => "改行"
b => "
c => ""
d => "でぃ"
e => ""

a => "空白文字の扱い(white space) 1"
b => " B "
c => ""
d => "でぃ"
e => ""
"空白文字の扱い(white space) 1"," B ","","でぃ",""

a => "空白文字の扱い(white space) 2"
b => " B "
c => ""
d => "でぃ"
e => ""
"空白文字の扱い(white space) 2"," B ","","でぃ",""
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:657)
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:433)
    at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
    at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
    at Main.main(Main.java:26)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
    at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[orange-signal-csv]$ mvn exec:java < ../test-backslash.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]

a => "バックスラッシュ(back slash)"
b => "\"
c => ""
d => "でぃ"
e => ""
"バックスラッシュ(back slash)","\","","でぃ",""

a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:657)
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:433)
    at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
    at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
    at Main.main(Main.java:26)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
    at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[orange-signal-csv]$ mvn exec:java < ../invalid-test1.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]

a => "不正な値(invalid value) 1"
b => "びぃ\"B"
c => ""
d => "でぃ"
e => ""
"不正な値(invalid value) 1","びぃ\""B","","でぃ",""

a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:657)
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:433)
    at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
    at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
    at Main.main(Main.java:26)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
    at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[orange-signal-csv]$ mvn exec:java < ../invalid-test2.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]

a => "不正な値(invalid value) 2"
b => "びぃ"B"びぃ"
c => ""
d => "でぃ"
e => ""
"不正な値(invalid value) 2","びぃ""B""びぃ","","でぃ",""

a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:657)
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:433)
    at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.convert(CsvEntityReader.java:300)
    at com.orangesignal.csv.io.CsvEntityReader.read(CsvEntityReader.java:198)
    at Main.main(Main.java:26)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
    at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)



        CsvConfig cfg = new CsvConfig(',', '"', '"');

いずれのファイルに対しても、ファイル末尾の改行コードが邪魔をして、その後ろを空文字列から成る行として扱い、IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionを吐く。これ、OrangeSignal CSVで出力したCSVファイルを食わせたら例外を吐くのではないか?





opencsv (Java)



import com.opencsv.bean.CsvBindByPosition;

public class HogeBean {
    private String fieldA;
    private String fieldB;
    private String fieldC;
    private String fieldD;
    private String fieldE;

    public HogeBean() {

    public String getFieldA() {
        return fieldA;
    public void setFieldA(String fieldA) {
        this.fieldA = fieldA;

    public String getFieldB() {
        return fieldB;
    public void setFieldB(String fieldB) {
        this.fieldB = fieldB;

    public String getFieldC() {
        return fieldC;
    public void setFieldC(String fieldC) {
        this.fieldC = fieldC;

    public String getFieldD() {
        return fieldD;
    public void setFieldD(String fieldD) {
        this.fieldD = fieldD;

    public String getFieldE() {
        return fieldE;
    public void setFieldE(String fieldE) {
        this.fieldE = fieldE;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Writer;

import com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean;
import com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBeanBuilder;
import com.opencsv.bean.StatefulBeanToCsv;
import com.opencsv.bean.StatefulBeanToCsvBuilder;
import com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvDataTypeMismatchException;
import com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CsvToBean<HogeBean> reader = new CsvToBeanBuilder<HogeBean>(
                new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in, "Windows-31J"))
        Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out); // flush()するために変数にセット。
        StatefulBeanToCsv<HogeBean> writer = new StatefulBeanToCsvBuilder<HogeBean>(
        for (HogeBean hoge : reader) {
            System.out.println("[0] => "
                + (hoge.getFieldA() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldA() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println("[1] => "
                + (hoge.getFieldB() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldB() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println("[2] => "
                + (hoge.getFieldC() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldC() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println("[3] => "
                + (hoge.getFieldD() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldD() + "\"" : null));
            System.out.println("[4] => "
                + (hoge.getFieldE() != null ? "\"" + hoge.getFieldE() + "\"" : null));
            try {
            } catch (CsvDataTypeMismatchException|CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException e) {


[opencsv]$ mvn package
[opencsv]$ mvn exec:java < ../test.csv

[0] => "a"
[1] => "b"
[2] => "c"
[3] => "d"
[4] => "e"

[0] => "A"
[1] => "B"
[2] => "C"
[3] => "D"
[4] => "E"

[0] => "カンマ(comma)"
[1] => ","
[2] => ""
[3] => "でぃ"
[4] => ""

[0] => "ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)"
[1] => """
[2] => ""
[3] => "でぃ"
[4] => ""
"ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)","""","","でぃ",""

[0] => "改行"
[1] => "
[2] => ""
[3] => "でぃ"
[4] => ""

[0] => "空白文字の扱い(white space) 1"
[1] => " B "
[2] => ""
[3] => "でぃ"
[4] => ""
"空白文字の扱い(white space) 1"," B ","","でぃ",""

[0] => "空白文字の扱い(white space) 2"
[1] => " B "
[2] => ""
[3] => "でぃ"
[4] => ""
"空白文字の扱い(white space) 2"," B ","","でぃ",""
[opencsv]$ mvn exec:java < ../test-backslash.csv
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error parsing CSV.
    at com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean$CsvToBeanIterator.readSingleLine(CsvToBean.java:394)
    at com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean$CsvToBeanIterator.next(CsvToBean.java:410)
    at Main.main(Main.java:23)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
    at org.codehaus.mojo.exec.ExecJavaMojo$1.run(ExecJavaMojo.java:282)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvMalformedLineException: Unterminated quoted field at end of CSV line. Beginning of lost text: [",",でぃ,"
    at com.opencsv.CSVReader.primeNextRecord(CSVReader.java:245)
    at com.opencsv.CSVReader.flexibleRead(CSVReader.java:598)
    at com.opencsv.CSVReader.readNext(CSVReader.java:204)
    at com.opencsv.bean.concurrent.SingleLineReader.readNextLine(SingleLineReader.java:49)
    at com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean$CsvToBeanIterator.readLineWithPossibleError(CsvToBean.java:364)
    at com.opencsv.bean.CsvToBean$CsvToBeanIterator.readSingleLine(CsvToBean.java:391)
    ... 8 more
[opencsv]$ mvn exec:java < ../invalid-test1.csv

[0] => "a"
[1] => "b"
[2] => "c"
[3] => "d"
[4] => "e"

[0] => "不正な値(invalid value) 1"
[1] => "びぃ"B"
[2] => ""
[3] => "でぃ"
[4] => ""
"不正な値(invalid value) 1","びぃ""B","","でぃ",""

[0] => "A"
[1] => "B"
[2] => "C"
[3] => "D"
[4] => "E"
[opencsv]$ mvn exec:java < ../invalid-test2.csv

[0] => "a"
[1] => "b"
[2] => "c"
[3] => "d"
[4] => "e"

[0] => "不正な値(invalid value) 2"
[1] => "びぃ"B"びぃ"
[2] => ""
[3] => "でぃ"
[4] => ""
"不正な値(invalid value) 2","びぃ""B""びぃ","","でぃ",""

[0] => "A"
[1] => "B"
[2] => "C"
[3] => "D"
[4] => "E"


test-backslash.csvは、バックスラッシュがエスケープ文字だと扱われて構文エラーになっている。 最初、

        CsvToBean<HogeBean> reader = new CsvToBeanBuilder<HogeBean>(
                new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in, "Windows-31J"))

と書いて試してみたけど、 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The separator, quote, and escape characters must be different! と怒られてしまう。




RFC 4180をもとにした各方法の挙動は以下のようになる。

  1. ダブルクォーテーションによるクォート文字列の扱い
  2. クォート文字列中のダブルクォーテーションの扱い
  3. クォート文字列中の改行コードの扱い
  4. バックスラッシュの扱い(エスケープ文字として扱わないかどうか)
  5. 前後の空白文字の扱い
  6. ダブルクォーテーションが閉じていないケースの扱い
  7. クォート文字列とそれ以外が混在したケースの扱い
関数/ライブラリ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
fgetcsv/fputcsv (PHP) × ×
Super CSV (Java)
Super CSV Annotation (Java)
OrangeSignal CSV (Java) ○* ○* ○* ○* ○* ×* ×*
opencsv (Java) × × ×






  • test-backslash.csv


  • invalid-test1.csv


  • invalid-test2.csv



超訳:Apache MavenでJavaアプリケーション開発

いまさら、人生初のApache Maven使用ということで。



Apache Mavenのセットアップ

環境がCentOS 7ということで、パッケージでインストールする。

# yum -y install maven





[~]$ mvn archetype:generate
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] >>> maven-archetype-plugin:3.2.0:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom >>>
[INFO] <<< maven-archetype-plugin:3.2.0:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom <<<
[INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:3.2.0:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
[INFO] Generating project in Interactive mode
[INFO] No archetype defined. Using maven-archetype-quickstart (org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:1.0)
Choose archetype:
1: remote -> am.ik.archetype:elm-spring-boot-blank-archetype (Blank multi project for Spring Boot + Elm)
1832: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-profiles (-)
1833: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart (An archetype which contains a sample Maven project.)
1834: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-simple (An archetype which contains a simple Maven project.)
1838: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp (An archetype which contains a sample Maven Webapp project.) 
3003: remote -> za.co.absa.hyperdrive:component-archetype_2.12 (-)
Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): 1833: 
Choose org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart version: 
1: 1.0-alpha-1
2: 1.0-alpha-2
3: 1.0-alpha-3
4: 1.0-alpha-4
5: 1.0
6: 1.1
7: 1.3
8: 1.4
Choose a number: 8: 
Define value for property 'groupId': hhelibex
Define value for property 'artifactId': sample
Define value for property 'version' 1.0-SNAPSHOT: : 
Define value for property 'package' hhelibex: : 
Confirm properties configuration:
groupId: hhelibex
artifactId: sample
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
package: hhelibex
 Y: : 
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Archetype: maven-archetype-quickstart:1.4
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: hhelibex
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: sample
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: hhelibex
[INFO] Parameter: packageInPathFormat, Value: hhelibex
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: hhelibex
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: hhelibex
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: sample
[INFO] Project created from Archetype in dir: /home/hhelibex/sample
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 2:00.363s
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Nov 07 22:56:52 JST 2021
[INFO] Final Memory: 13M/55M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Define value for property 'groupId': hhelibex
Define value for property 'artifactId': sample


[~]$ cd sample
[sample]$ mvn package
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building sample 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.2:resources (default-resources) @ sample ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/hhelibex/sample/src/main/resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile (default-compile) @ sample ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/hhelibex/sample/target/classes
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.0.2:testResources (default-testResources) @ sample ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/hhelibex/sample/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ sample ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/hhelibex/sample/target/test-classes
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.1:test (default-test) @ sample ---
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Running hhelibex.AppTest
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.988 s - in hhelibex.AppTest
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.0.2:jar (default-jar) @ sample ---
[INFO] Building jar: /home/hhelibex/sample/target/sample-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1:28.550s
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Nov 07 23:05:15 JST 2021
[INFO] Final Memory: 15M/86M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------





[sample]$ mvn exec:java
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building sample 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.6.0:java (default-cli) @ sample ---
Hello World!
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 23.067s
[INFO] Finished at: Sun Nov 07 23:12:56 JST 2021
[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/29M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------






"ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)","""","","でぃ",""
"バックスラッシュ(back slash)","\","","でぃ",""






$header = array();

while (($str = fgets(STDIN))) {
    $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, mb_internal_encoding(), 'SJIS-win');
    if (empty($header)) {
        $header = str_getcsv($str);
    } else {
        $ss = str_getcsv($str);
        $a = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); ++$i) {
            if (isset($ss[$i])) {
                $a[$header[$i]] = $ss[$i];
            } else {
                $a[$header[$i]] = 'N/A';


$ php Main.php < test.csv
array(5) {
  string(1) "A"
  string(1) "B"
  string(1) "C"
  string(1) "D"
  string(1) "E"
array(5) {
  string(16) "カンマ(comma)"
  string(1) ","
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
array(5) {
  string(51) "ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)"
  string(1) """
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
array(5) {
  string(6) "改行"
  string(3) "
  string(3) "N/A"
  string(3) "N/A"
  string(3) "N/A"
array(5) {
  string(10) ",",でぃ""
  string(0) ""
  string(3) "N/A"
  string(3) "N/A"
  string(3) "N/A"
array(5) {
  string(36) "バックスラッシュ(back slash)"
  string(12) "\",",でぃ""
  string(0) ""
  string(3) "N/A"
  string(3) "N/A"

まず、バックスラッシュの行だが、事前に予想した通り、バックスラッシュがエスケープ文字として機能している「ように見える」。 「ように見える」というのは、以下の2点の疑問をはらんでいるからである。

  1. エスケープ文字であるならば、値としての文字列にバックスラッシュが残っているのはなぜか?
  2. 元データが "バックスラッシュ(back slash)","\","","でぃ","" であるので、「でぃ」の直前が閉じダブルクォーテーションとなるはずで、その後ろの「でぃ」が連結されたのだと考えても、その後ろのダブルクォーテーションで値が終了しているのがおかしい(開きダブルクォーテーションとなるべきもののはず)。






$header = array();

while (($row = fgetcsv(STDIN))) {
    if (empty($header)) {
        $header = $row;
    } else {
        $ss = $row;
        $a = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); ++$i) {
            if (isset($ss[$i])) {
                $a[$header[$i]] = mb_convert_encoding($ss[$i], 'UTF-8', mb_internal_encoding());
            } else {
                $a[$header[$i]] = 'N/A';


$ php Main2.php < test.csv 
array(5) {
  string(1) "A"
  string(1) "B"
  string(1) "C"
  string(1) "D"
  string(1) "E"
array(5) {
  string(16) "カンマ(comma)"
  string(1) ","
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
array(5) {
  string(51) "ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)"
  string(1) """
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
array(5) {
  string(6) "改行"
  string(2) "
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "でぃ"
  string(0) ""
array(5) {
  string(36) "バックスラッシュ(back slash)"
  string(12) "\",",でぃ""
  string(0) ""
  string(3) "N/A"
  string(3) "N/A"


JavaのSuper CSVではどうか?

身近で、JavaのSuper CSVhttps://super-csv.github.io/super-csv/)が使用されているので、比較のために同じCSVファイルを読ませてみた。

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.supercsv.io.CsvListReader;
import org.supercsv.io.ICsvListReader;
import org.supercsv.prefs.CsvPreference;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        CsvPreference csvPref = new CsvPreference.Builder(
        ICsvListReader reader = new CsvListReader(
            new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in, "Windows-31J")), csvPref);
        String[] header = reader.getHeader(false);
        List<String> row;
        while ((row = reader.read()) != null) {
            int i = 0;
            for (String val : row) {
                System.out.println((header.length >= i + 1 ? header[i++] : "N/A")
                    + " => " + (val != null ? "\"" + val + "\"" : val));


$ javac -cp lib/super-csv-2.4.0.jar Main.java
$ java -cp .:lib/super-csv-2.4.0.jar Main < test.csv
[a, b, c, d, e]
a => "A"
b => "B"
c => "C"
d => "D"
e => "E"

a => "カンマ(comma)"
b => ","
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null

a => "ダブルクォーテーション(double quotation)"
b => """
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null

a => "改行"
b => "
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null

a => "バックスラッシュ(back slash)"
b => "\"
c => null
d => "でぃ"
e => null


Microsoft Excelで開いてみる

もともとが仕事の調査ということで、社用のMicrosoft 365を拝借して、同じCSVファイルを開いてみた。






TEXTDATA =  %x20-21 / %x23-2B / %x2D-7E



6.  Fields containing line breaks (CRLF), double quotes, and commas
       should be enclosed in double-quotes.  For example:

       "aaa","b CRLF
       bb","ccc" CRLF

   7.  If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote
       appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with
       another double quote.  For example:



   field = (escaped / non-escaped)


   non-escaped = *TEXTDATA


まぁ、fgetcsvが追加されたPHP 4がリリースされたのが2000年5月(https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP_(%E3%83%97%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%83%9F%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%E8%A8%80%E8%AA%9E)#PHP_4)であるので、仕方がないのだろうが。(ちなみにstr_getcsvはPHP 5.3.0から)

その挙動はPHP 8に至るまで変わっていない。


オプションの escape パラメータで、エスケープ文字 (シングルバイト文字 最大で1文字) を設定します。 空文字列("") を指定すると、(RFC 4180 に準拠していない) 独自仕様のエスケープ機構が無効になります。

と書いてあるので、一応意識はされているのか(PHP 7.4.0以降)。